Flash Drawing for DNA Kit!

Flash Drawing for DNA Kit!

Throw your name into the virtual hat for a chance to win an Ancestry DNA kit. I’m doing an end-of-summer flash drawing for anyone in Mattimore-land who is interested. I have two (2) DNA kits to give away.

Always wanted to do one of these DNA tests but never got around to it? Didn’t have the money? Now’s your chance to possibly win one with a small pool of just those in our Mattimore extended family (so good odds). All you have to do is add a comment below saying that you’re interested, OR comment in the Mattimore FaceBook group on my post there. You can also send me an email if that is easier (rozanne.hakala@gmail.com).

Click HERE if you want to learn more about Ancestry’s DNA test and what’s involved.

Deadline to let me know is September 30, 2021. Don’t wait!