All posts by rozanne hakala

What’s in a Name?

What’s in a Name?

My mother was never wild about the fact that our surname Mattimore was actually derived from Mattimoe, also occasionally spelled without the “e” as Mattimo in Ireland. She grew up a Mattimore after all, so THAT was the name! She reluctantly assumed that somehow the name of our immigrant ancestor, Michael, changed from Mattimoe to Mattimore when he arrived, either due to an Ellis Island misspelling or a change at some later point.

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Our Elder Statesmen

Our Elder Statesmen

While technically they just missed out on being from The Greatest Generation (those born in the 1900s and through the 1920s), they most certainly are from our family’s Greatest Generation. Brothers Richard and Hank Mattimore — siblings of beloved Joe, Mary and Dan, and first cousins to Mary, Harry, Jane, Jack, Sally and Kay — are the only two remaining of their generation.

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Hello Mattimore Family!

Hello Mattimore Family!

For some time now I have been trying to figure out a good way to share information about our Mattimore family ancestry. There is a Mattimore Family group on Facebook, but too many family members are not on Facebook, and those of us who are often have a love-hate relationship with it. Some other forum seemed appropriate, so I decided to start this blog. It is meant as a place to share stories, photos and documents about our Mattimore family and related genealogy research.

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